Mohammedan Sporting turn to Appeals Committee over Ozbey

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The Kolkata outfit are apparently miffed as to how a player on loan from their club was allowed to feature against them…
Mohammedan Sporting’s last gamble to make it into the I-League 2014-15 season is based upon how Tolgay Ozbey was given green signal by the All India Football Federation (AIFF) to play against them in a game they lost 1-0, courtesy of a strike by the Australian on March 22, 2014.
“The player is at liberty to sign and play for any other club of his choice, but cannot play any matches in any tournament against our club for season 2013-14,” read point three of the termination clause between Ozbey and Mohammedan.
“The above is subject to realisation of cheques,” it further adds.
Mohammedan owed Ozbey over 400000 INR. This was despite the player honouring his part of the agreement by not playing against the Black and Whites in the Federation Cup back in January. 
“Mohammedan Sporting had a clause in his exit contract which disallowed him to play against Mohammedan in the current season. However, after intervention of AIFF, it was decided by the apex body to allow Tolgay Ozbey to play against his former employers," Dempo SC had issued a statement on the eve of the said game.
Mohammedan sent a ten-page letter to the Appeals Committee and would move to court should the decision not be given their favour by awarding them three points.
“If our appeal is rejected we may also move court to get justice,” said a senior official of the Kolkata outfit.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.